Virtual Fundraising Advice from the Pros

Originally published May 8, 2020. Updated November 30, 2021.
To produce an engaging and successful virtual event you need great partners. An experienced audiovisual team, creative event strategists, and dynamic emcees and benefit auctioneers work together to produce a live streaming event worth watching. We’re always ready to offer suggestions and discuss the technical production of virtual events. When asked for fundraising tips we turn to the experts. Here are ten thoughtful articles packed with virtual fundraising advice from the pros.
Event Decisions and Donor Outreach
“While we can’t control the changing world, you can plan for the future and use this time to be thoughtful in your outreach to supporters.”
How to Keep Raising Money Even If Your Event Has Been Cancelled (Swaim Strategies)
“A clear-minded and focused discussion on what is best for your organization will result in the optimal decision.”
Making the Decision: Carry On, Reschedule or Go Online? (Greater Giving)
“The type of organization you are should inform the way you raise funds in this environment.”
Now Is Not the Time to Stop Fundraising (Nonprofit Pro)
“An understanding of the force-majeure clauses and their potential event-insurance coverage should provide some helpful guidance in making these difficult decisions.”
Event Cancellations: What You Need to Know (Chronicle of Philanthropy)
Should You Go Virtual?
“How can I emulate the best elements of a live event online? The answer that seems to be emerging as the best option is a Virtual Live Auction.“
Add a Virtual Live Auction to Your Online Auction Fundraiser (
“With the right strategy, planning and execution, our partners have enjoyed as much or nearly as much in gross revenue from their live virtual galas.”
Ultimate Guide to Virtual Galas (Marquam Auction Agency)
“There are some rules that we know about events that still ring true, even in a virtual world. But if you apply those rules, you’ll find success in going virtual.”
The Latest in Virtual Fundraising Events + Conferences (Swaim Strategies)
“Virtual fundraisers and events can take as much planning as an in-person event. The difference is in the tools you use. Advances in technology have made holding an online event easier than ever before. Social media, video conferencing technology, and online donation pages can be combined with traditional fundraising tools like mailed solicitations, emails, and smaller in-person events.”
20 Simple Yet Powerful Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits (donorbox)
Virtual Event Content
“Simplicity and honesty can cut through the noise. But you do have to keep the conversation going. They’re waiting to hear from you.”
Virtual Tips for Nonprofit Speakers (Swaim Strategies)
“Keep a through line – a connecting theme – throughout every element of your lineup – much like a Ted talk.”
10 Dos for Virtual Fundraising Events (Marquam Auction Agency)
Looking Ahead
“Even though the future of in-person events and gatherings is uncertain right now, there are a lot of things you can be doing to move your fall events forward to ensure their success.”
Planning for Fall 2020 Fundraising Events (Swaim Strategies)
Additional Fundraising Guidance
All of our partners are guiding clients in our new virtual fundraising world. Visit their pages for more valuable fundraising advice.
- Virtual Auctions with Artisan Auctions
- Virtual Fundraising Events with gEvents LLC
- Virtual Events with Raise Agent
- Virtual Fundraising Gala Resources from Greater Giving
- Virtual Solutions with Johnna Wells
- Go Virtual with Marquam Auction Agency
- Virtual Auction Whitepaper from
- Virtual Events with Swaim Strategies
Partner with Us
If you are interested in live streaming your virtual event, please contact us. We have experience producing and live streaming entirely virtual auctions, in-studio virtual events, and on-location virtual fundraisers. We are ready to answer your questions and guide you to additional resources.